Skoči na glavno vsebino

Partner schools (Sodelujoče šole):

IES ATENEA, SPAIN (coordinating school)

I.I.S. “Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori” Italy (partner school)

OSNOVNA SOLA PIVKA Slovenia (partner school)

Zespol Szkol Budowlanych Poland (partner school)

Introduction (Uvod)

Young people are often not aware that exclusion exists around them or that schoolmates in their own midst are being bullied for their beliefs or differences and because of this are not being accepted by their peers. The main focus of the project ‘EUvlalues for inclusion’ is to make young people realize the different aspects of exclusion that they witness every day and that they, above all, hold the key to minimizing them and even making them disappear.  The understanding that it is the diversity and equality of nations that makes us unique should  be considered a major part of our children’s upbringing and life-long education. Only by recognizing this diversity will we become true citizens of Europe.

Mladi se večkrat ne zavedajo, da se pred njihovimi očmi odvija izključevanje sovrstnikov, niti tega, da sovrstnike odrivajo in izključujejo iz svoje sredine zaradi svojih prepričanj. Glavni poudarek projekta ‘EUvrednote za inkluzijo’ je spoznavanje različnih VIDIKOV izključenosti, in da prav MLADI igrajo ključno vlogo pri zmanjševanju in celo odstranjevanju le teh. Dejstvo, da sta prav raznolikost in enakost narodov tisto, kar nas dela edinstvene, bi morali upoštevati kot ključni del vzgoje in vseživljenjskega izobraževanja naših otrok. Le s prepoznavanjem  raznolikosti bomo postali pravi državljani Evrope.

(Skupno 102 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)