Skoči na glavno vsebino

The first activity undertaken in our new project EUvalues for inclusion was the competition for the new project logo. Students from all four partner countries competed in creating a palet of beautiful logos at each school. The winnning logos from each school were then sent to each of the other partner schools, where a second competition at second level took place.

Eighteen students from ages 12 – 15 took part in the logo competition at Osnovna šola Pivka. All the logos from our school were put on the school website and students and teachers alike were invited to take part in the online voting for the best one. Then we also voted among the finalists from the other partner schools. Everyone was very happy to hear that the Slovenian logo by our student Sofija from class 8.B received the most votes of all, and became the project logo, which will be used to promote the project on the e-twinning, twin space and other educational portals, on the school website and on materials created during the lifetime of the project.

(Skupno 131 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)